Next regular club meeting will be the 2nd Thursday of each month except
May (annual picnic) and Dec (annual Christmas party).
When and where does the group meet?
(excluding May and December)
at the
Spartanburg Community College, Health Sciences Building, in the Community Room
850 Brisack Road, Spartanburg, SC 29303
Come early at 6:30pm for meet and greet – Meeting starts at 7:00pm
There will be light refreshments before the meeting.
Who can attend?
Attendance is open to anyone interested in beekeeping. Membership in the Association is also available to anyone. Non-members are welcome to attend as guests, but non-members will not have the ability to vote, cannot be listed as swarm catchers, and will not have access to “Member’s-Only” areas of the website.
How do I join?
There is a $10 annual membership fee per family (club year goes from January 1st to December 31st) and any family member 12 or older may vote on club matters. You can join at a meeting or pay by Credit Card.
Also, you may send an e-mail to [email protected] , or use our Contact Us page, to request further information about how to pay your annual dues or for more information about the SBA. For current members, dues are paid by the end of January each year.